Filename:  bac_maao
Bacolod to Maao
Contributed by:   paulperez

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A private vehicle can locate this place using the tracklog. From Bacolod (from a start point at the provincial Building or Lagoon), taking the National Highway, using Lacson Street, transferring to a National road call Araneta Street, still the National Highway, you will have to pass through the Bacolod City Airport. From The Airport, you will reach the outskirts of Metro Bacolod Area called Sum-ag. A left turn identified by the log will take you to a considerably straight and cemented road to a barrio called Abuanan. There is a junction at Abuanan going to either Murcia or Maao. Take the Maao way on the right. At the end of this road is another Junction. Take the left road going to Maao. From Maao, take the east bearing of your compass or continue the road leading to Kipot Falls, you will pass by Barangay Malilum, PNOC. Continue your way as you acquire altitude. The road will typically make a natural turn to the left, proceed as to this road is already cemented. You will reach the entrance to Kipot falls. Kipot falls is comparable to Tappiya Falls of Batad in Ifugao. You can go directly from Malilum to Buenos Aires, without going through Kipot Falls. Before you reach or pass by PNOC, there is a road at the right with a sign going to Buenos Aires. There are local houses in the Vicinity, so you can ask for directions. using the Tracklog, you can locate the road at the right. Take the cemented road at the right until you will reach the the enrty point (bridge) to Buenos Aires Resort. From Buenos Aires Resort, you can reach Guintubdan National Park, which is also part of Mt. Kanlaon National Park. Guintubdan is the nearest jump-off point for Mt. Kanlaon Climbers and Mountaineers. From Buenos Aires, take bearing south or continue the road passing by the Buenos Aires Resort. Using this road, you will pass by a Mini Loakan Road because the Former Mayor, Matti, planted Benguet Pines along the road. This area is typically around 600 0 meters in altitude so cold breeze is already blowing. You will pass by a viewdeck where you can view the whole of the west of Negros Occidental including the shorelines. Continuing the cemented road, you will pass by a junction, take the road that seems to be going doen to the right, then you will arrive at a signboard indicating Rafael Salas National Park to the left (this is also another junction, take the left road), also known as Guintubdan National Park. There is a place where you can stay for the night, and another magnificent viewdeck aside from the view at Mt. Kanlaon. You will see pictures of Mt. Kanlaon provided by the mountaineers who have conquered the peak. There is also a vicinity Map for other adventures that you will want to take. From the Rafael Salas National Park, take the road back and return to the junction and instead of going back, take the right road following this track-log. Follow the cemented road and you will arrive at a Tourist Center of Guintubdan national park. There is also a magnificent viewdeck here of the western part of Negros. Some pictures of Mt. Kanlaon conquest as early as 1975 are displayed here. A scaled model map of Guintubdan vicinity area is also displayed. From Guintubdan, continue down the cemented road, as altitude is also decreasing. You will again pass by some nearly straight and cemented road. This road will lead you down to La Carlota City, one of the Sugar central Cities in Negros Occidental. You will pass by the extensively large part of one of the Mango plantation area of the Cojuangcos. Going straight you will arrive at a rough and rocky road of which around you are the vast sugar plantation. Following this track-log, you will make a right turn going to La Carlota City. Passing by La Carlota Church, make a left turn passing by La Carlota Plaza, then a right turn passing by Barangay Agora. This semi rough and asphalted road will lead you back to Maao-Abuanan Junction of which you will have a choice of going back to Buenos Aires or Bacolod City Proper.

I  GPSU 4.03  REGISTERED to 'sloovey'
S DateFormat=mm/d/yy
S Timezone=8
S Units=M,M
S SymbolSet=0
M E               WGS 84 100  0.0000000E  0.0000000E 0 0 0
F ID----- Latitude     Longitude     T O  Alt(m)   Comment
W ABUANN  N10�31.6650' E122�59.0750' I E      54.4 ABUANAN JUNCTION OF SUM-AG AND MURCIA
W AGORA   N10�25.6880' E122�55.2190' I E      28.7 BRGY AGORA IN LA CARLOTA CITY
W BACPLZ  N10�40.1600' E122�56.7810' I E      10.9 BACOLOD CITY PLAZA
W BAHTEL  N10�27.2660' E123�02.8720' I E     249.3 BUENOS AIRES RESORT'S HOTEL IN MAAO
W BARPRT  N10�38.7040' E122�56.0520' I E      18.6 BACOLOD CITY AIRPORT (TAKEN ALONG THE RO
W BCCTHL  N10�40.0560' E122�56.7150' I E      33.3 BACOLOD CITY HALL
W CTHDRL  N10�40.1950' E122�56.8150' I E      21.0 BACOLOD CATHEDRAL
W CUBAY   N10�24.9680' E122�57.6410' I E      69.3 BRGY CUBAY OF BAGO AREA
W ENTRY   N10�27.3270' E123�02.8830' I E     225.3 ENTRANCE TO BUENOS AIRES RESORT
W GDFLDS  N10�39.0320' E122�56.2110' I E      20.8 GOLDEN FIELD COMMERCIAL COMPLEX
W GNTBDN  N10�25.4980' E123�05.0360' I E     870.8 GUINTUBDAN (JUMP OFF POINT FOR MT. KANLA
W JCTGN   N10�25.6450' E123�05.0480' I E     707.9 JUNCTION, TO THE RIGHT TO GUINTUBDAN
W JCTN    N10�28.6640' E122�56.3640' I E      28.7 JUNCTION OF BAGO, PULUPANDAN, MAAO, LA C
W JUNCT   N10�29.2150' E122�57.0220' I E      30.9 JUNCTION OF LA CARLOTA, MAAO AND SUM-AG
W KIPOT   N10�28.6860' E123�04.1680' I E     352.9 ENTRANCE TO KIPOT FALLS
W KIPOTL  N10�28.6780' E123�04.1350' I E     343.3 KIPOT LOOKOUT (VIEW DECK)
W LAGOON  N10�40.5490' E122�57.1600' I E      12.4 PROVINCIAL LAGOON OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (
W LBRTDM  N10�39.6400' E122�56.9930' I E      24.6 LIBERTAD MARKET
W LCCHRH  N10�25.5510' E122�55.3020' I E      29.0 LA CARLOTA CITY CHURCH (TAKEN IN FRONT O
W LCPLZA  N10�25.6390' E122�55.2560' I E      29.0 LA CARLOTA CITY PLAZA
W MA-AO   N10�29.3460' E122�59.2960' I E      61.4 TOWN OF MAAO, TAKEN IN FRONT OF THE MARK
W MALILM  N10�28.0780' E123�01.7770' I E     108.5 BARANGAY MALILUM, BAGO AREA
W MANGOP  N10�25.0070' E122�57.3850' I E      61.9 MANGO PLANTATION OF THE COJUANGCOS
W MCDO    N10�40.5070' E122�57.1680' I E      18.2 FIRST MAC DONALD'S IN BACOLOD CITY
W NTRMNL  N10�40.0850' E122�57.5030' I E       2.5 NORTHCERES TERMINAL FOR BUSES GOING TO C
W PLACE   N10�27.8960' E123�04.8680' I E     489.7 MILABO'S PLACE
W PNOC    N10�27.6780' E123�02.9990' I E     176.0 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL OIL COMPANY
W RFNP    N10�25.6160' E123�05.2010' I E     738.2 RAFAEL SALAS NATIONAL PARK (GUNTUBDAN, N
W SNMGL   N10�24.7620' E123�00.7710' I E     210.4 BRGY SAN MIGUEL IN BAGO AREA
W STRMNL  N10�39.7350' E122�57.3550' I E      25.8 SOUTH CERES BUS TERMINAL
W VWDCK   N10�25.6010' E123�04.5140' I E     660.1 VIEW DECK, WESTERN NEGROS IS VISIBLE
H Track            Pnts Date     Time     StopTime  seconds        m    m/s Alt(m)  
H ACTIVE LOG 001     54 12/30/02 16:05:54 18:17:47     7913    45135    5.7    476.5
H ACTIVE LOG 001    112 12/30/02 18:17:58 07:50:48    48770    40577    0.8    888.9
H ACTIVE LOG 001     19 12/31/02 09:29:50 09:48:17     1107     4497    4.1    472.1
H ACTIVE LOG 001      2 12/31/02 10:28:29 10:30:12      103      115    1.1    485.6
H ACTIVE LOG 001      9 12/31/02 15:23:26 15:29:55      389     2334    6.0     23.7
F Latitude     Longitude     Alt(m)    S  
T N10�40.7703' E122�57.5300'     28.0  1 ACTIVE LOG 001
T N10�40.7651' E122�57.5326'     49.2  0 
T N10�40.8475' E122�57.3022'     27.1  0 
T N10�39.5948' E122�56.7756'     24.2  0 
T N10�39.5845' E122�56.7666'     24.7  0 
T N10�39.6850' E122�56.5477'     25.6  0 
T N10�39.7197' E122�56.5503'     19.8  0 
T N10�39.7210' E122�56.5464'     23.7  0 
T N10�39.7159' E122�56.5503'     24.2  0 
T N10�38.6292' E122�56.0186'     18.9  0 
T N10�37.8246' E122�55.6568'     20.3  0 
T N10�37.7267' E122�55.6542'     20.3  0 
T N10�37.2787' E122�55.7443'     18.9  0 
T N10�37.2002' E122�55.7508'     17.9  0 
T N10�37.1100' E122�55.7328'     17.9  0 
T N10�36.1522' E122�55.2075'     16.5  0 
T N10�36.0260' E122�55.1482'     16.5  0 
T N10�35.9037' E122�55.3298'     21.8  0 
T N10�34.0716' E122�56.6082'     36.7  0 
T N10�32.8292' E122�57.3949'     36.2  0 
T N10�31.6654' E122�59.0415'     54.0  0 
T N10�31.6461' E122�59.0454'     54.0  0 
T N10�31.1723' E122�57.8133'     43.4  0 
T N10�31.1259' E122�57.7451'     43.9  0 
T N10�29.6865' E122�56.6533'     39.6  0 
T N10�29.6544' E122�56.6494'     38.6  0 
T N10�29.4870' E122�56.8619'     42.0  0 
T N10�29.3557' E122�56.9455'     38.1  0 
T N10�29.1999' E122�57.0266'     38.6  0 
T N10�29.6865' E122�58.2060'     45.3  0 
T N10�29.6891' E122�58.3038'     48.7  0 
T N10�29.3119' E122�59.3917'     65.5  0 
T N10�29.3608' E122�59.4072'     62.1  0 
T N10�29.3364' E122�59.4574'     63.6  0 
T N10�29.3608' E122�59.4651'     52.5  0 
T N10�29.3441' E122�59.4831'     71.8  0 
T N10�29.3170' E122�59.4406'     68.4  0 
T N10�29.2449' E122�59.5861'     67.9  0 
T N10�28.8227' E123�00.0097'     76.6  0 
T N10�28.7609' E123�00.2672'     80.9  0 
T N10�28.0515' E123�01.8495'    141.9  0 
T N10�27.7193' E123�02.8743'    209.7  0 
T N10�27.6807' E123�03.0932'    218.4  0 
T N10�27.6884' E123�03.2283'    226.5  0 
T N10�27.5777' E123�03.5077'    257.8  0 
T N10�27.5455' E123�03.9158'    313.5  0 
T N10�27.6961' E123�03.9197'    323.1  0 
T N10�27.6833' E123�03.9699'    334.2  0 
T N10�27.7708' E123�04.2622'    377.5  0 
T N10�27.7785' E123�04.4617'    404.4  0 
T N10�27.8532' E123�04.6240'    433.7  0 
T N10�27.8944' E123�04.6407'    437.5  0 
T N10�27.8571' E123�04.7694'    451.5  0 
T N10�27.8983' E123�04.8003'    463.0  0 
T N10�27.9008' E123�04.8647'    476.5  0 
T N10�27.8918' E123�04.8699'    477.0  1 ACTIVE LOG 001
T N10�27.5957' E123�03.4794'    323.1  0 
T N10�27.7026' E123�03.2026'    254.4  0 
T N10�27.6923' E123�02.9052'    250.1  0 
T N10�27.4811' E123�02.8666'    241.4  0 
T N10�27.3047' E123�02.8897'    225.1  0 
T N10�27.3202' E123�02.9206'    224.6  0 
T N10�27.3305' E123�02.9412'    224.6  0 
T N10�27.2623' E123�02.9464'    236.1  0 
T N10�27.2610' E123�02.8794'    247.7  0 
T N10�27.2713' E123�02.8666'    250.1  0 
T N10�27.2352' E123�02.9400'    196.2  0 
T N10�27.1271' E123�02.9734'    216.0  0 
T N10�26.8876' E123�03.1807'    274.1  0 
T N10�26.7280' E123�03.3944'    315.0  0 
T N10�26.5941' E123�03.5296'    341.4  0 
T N10�26.5670' E123�03.5850'    355.3  0 
T N10�26.5027' E123�03.6107'    369.8  0 
T N10�26.4447' E123�03.7163'    376.0  0 
T N10�26.4396' E123�03.7472'    375.5  0 
T N10�26.3816' E123�03.7549'    370.7  0 
T N10�26.1177' E123�03.6996'    404.4  0 
T N10�25.9156' E123�03.7305'    426.5  0 
T N10�25.8229' E123�03.7729'    440.4  0 
T N10�25.6928' E123�03.8850'    457.2  0 
T N10�25.6928' E123�04.0253'    473.1  0 
T N10�25.6722' E123�04.1360'    487.5  0 
T N10�25.6916' E123�04.2326'    496.7  0 
T N10�25.6336' E123�04.2854'    509.6  0 
T N10�25.6156' E123�04.4604'    515.4  0 
T N10�25.6619' E123�04.3574'    528.9  0 
T N10�25.6722' E123�04.4064'    532.7  0 
T N10�25.6877' E123�04.4746'    533.2  0 
T N10�25.7096' E123�04.4424'    565.4  0 
T N10�25.7276' E123�04.4746'    566.4  0 
T N10�25.7469' E123�04.4424'    578.4  0 
T N10�25.7637' E123�04.4656'    578.9  0 
T N10�25.7649' E123�04.5042'    597.1  0 
T N10�25.6323' E123�04.5248'    646.1  0 
T N10�25.5847' E123�04.5184'    660.6  0 
T N10�25.5512' E123�04.5390'    673.1  0 
T N10�25.5435' E123�04.6446'    675.5  0 
T N10�25.5950' E123�04.8480'    702.4  0 
T N10�25.6092' E123�04.9832'    703.3  0 
T N10�25.6388' E123�04.9973'    703.8  0 
T N10�25.6478' E123�05.0759'    708.1  0 
T N10�25.6285' E123�05.1093'    713.9  0 
T N10�25.6401' E123�05.1376'    714.9  0 
T N10�25.6104' E123�05.1454'    714.9  0 
T N10�25.5718' E123�05.2200'    714.9  0 
T N10�25.5950' E123�05.2587'    715.4  0 
T N10�25.6195' E123�05.1840'    811.0  0 
T N10�25.6143' E123�05.1827'    847.1  0 
T N10�25.6169' E123�05.1750'    888.9  0 
T N10�25.6092' E123�05.1994'    887.4  0 
T N10�25.6027' E123�05.2278'    887.4  0 
T N10�25.5371' E123�05.2162'    888.4  0 
T N10�25.4997' E123�05.1196'    886.5  0 
T N10�25.5332' E123�05.1003'    884.1  0 
T N10�25.5216' E123�05.0398'    878.8  0 
T N10�25.4972' E123�05.0321'    833.1  0 
T N10�25.5049' E123�05.0231'    832.6  0 
T N10�25.4341' E123�05.0038'    810.5  0 
T N10�25.3787' E123�04.9754'    805.7  0 
T N10�25.4817' E123�04.7334'    780.2  0 
T N10�25.4598' E123�04.6986'    773.5  0 
T N10�25.3942' E123�04.7488'    772.1  0 
T N10�25.3826' E123�04.7282'    764.4  0 
T N10�25.3916' E123�04.6072'    741.3  0 
T N10�25.3504' E123�04.2712'    663.0  0 
T N10�25.3607' E123�04.1399'    634.1  0 
T N10�25.2409' E123�03.7884'    567.3  0 
T N10�25.1482' E123�03.5875'    530.8  0 
T N10�25.1058' E123�03.4060'    494.3  0 
T N10�25.1470' E123�03.1163'    470.7  0 
T N10�25.1315' E123�02.8910'    429.4  0 
T N10�25.1856' E123�02.7829'    405.3  0 
T N10�25.1972' E123�02.6889'    403.4  0 
T N10�25.2010' E123�02.5048'    393.3  0 
T N10�25.0311' E123�01.6667'    278.0  0 
T N10�24.9139' E123�01.1839'    245.8  0 
T N10�24.7749' E123�00.8684'    217.4  0 
T N10�24.7414' E123�00.6920'    208.7  0 
T N10�24.7002' E123�00.6187'    204.4  0 
T N10�24.6590' E123�00.3161'    183.3  0 
T N10�24.6590' E123�00.2350'    178.9  0 
T N10�24.6822' E123�00.1809'    174.6  0 
T N10�24.6655' E122�59.9814'    149.1  0 
T N10�24.7633' E122�59.6170'    133.8  0 
T N10�24.8431' E122�59.3737'    116.5  0 
T N10�24.8586' E122�59.2153'    104.4  0 
T N10�24.8534' E122�58.6694'     89.1  0 
T N10�24.8174' E122�58.2884'     84.7  0 
T N10�24.7800' E122�58.2060'     84.3  0 
T N10�25.0350' E122�57.9304'     75.1  0 
T N10�25.0581' E122�57.8648'     73.2  0 
T N10�24.9667' E122�57.6549'     70.8  0 
T N10�25.2216' E122�55.8769'     37.6  0 
T N10�25.2139' E122�55.5293'     29.9  0 
T N10�25.2487' E122�55.3156'     27.5  0 
T N10�25.6349' E122�55.2976'     29.0  0 
T N10�25.6439' E122�55.2152'     29.5  0 
T N10�26.1756' E122�55.3130'     24.7  0 
T N10�27.4374' E122�55.8280'     27.5  0 
T N10�27.5661' E122�55.9375'     28.0  0 
T N10�27.5777' E122�56.0096'     26.6  0 
T N10�27.6858' E122�56.1100'     27.5  0 
T N10�28.6592' E122�56.3507'     29.0  0 
T N10�28.6669' E122�56.4821'     28.5  0 
T N10�28.7763' E122�56.7550'     32.8  0 
T N10�28.8536' E122�56.8258'     33.3  0 
T N10�29.0351' E122�56.8219'     31.9  0 
T N10�29.1973' E122�56.9687'     30.9  0 
T N10�27.8983' E123�04.7965'    471.7  1 ACTIVE LOG 001
T N10�27.8378' E123�04.7424'    472.1  0 
T N10�27.8802' E123�04.6214'    472.1  0 
T N10�27.8326' E123�04.6111'    472.1  0 
T N10�27.7772' E123�04.4617'    468.3  0 
T N10�27.7695' E123�04.2030'    466.9  0 
T N10�27.7000' E123�03.9364'    452.4  0 
T N10�27.7077' E123�03.8914'    434.7  0 
T N10�28.1776' E123�03.8927'    409.7  0 
T N10�28.3502' E123�03.9261'    386.1  0 
T N10�28.5368' E123�04.1193'    362.1  0 
T N10�28.6257' E123�04.1515'    360.6  0 
T N10�28.6656' E123�04.2763'    360.6  0 
T N10�28.7055' E123�04.2673'    360.6  0 
T N10�28.6733' E123�04.2107'    360.6  0 
T N10�28.6862' E123�04.1502'    357.3  0 
T N10�28.6707' E123�04.1334'    352.0  0 
T N10�28.6450' E123�04.1386'    352.5  0 
T N10�28.6875' E123�04.1309'    333.2  0 
T N10�28.6514' E123�04.0961'    325.5  0 
T N10�27.8455' E123�04.8699'    325.5  1 ACTIVE LOG 001
T N10�27.8996' E123�04.8724'    484.2  0 
T N10�27.8970' E123�04.8647'    485.6  0 
T N10�39.0193' E122�56.2027'     20.8  1 ACTIVE LOG 001
T N10�39.0258' E122�56.2246'     20.3  0 
T N10�38.9472' E122�56.3971'     20.3  0 
T N10�39.0116' E122�56.4267'     19.8  0 
T N10�39.0309' E122�56.3726'     21.3  0 
T N10�39.2035' E122�56.4563'     19.4  0 
T N10�39.1378' E122�56.5966'     19.8  0 
T N10�39.2768' E122�56.6687'     21.8  0 
T N10�39.3824' E122�56.6816'     22.2  0 
T N10�39.6695' E122�56.8168'     23.7  0